Refund and Returns Policy


Our refund and returns policy lasts 10 days. If 10 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Return and Refund Policy

  • We accept returns within 10 days of the purchase date.
  • To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused, in the same condition as received, and in its original packaging.
  • You must provide proof of purchase, such as an order number or receipt, to initiate a return.
  • Once we receive your returned item and inspect it, we will notify you of the status of your refund.
  • If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to your original payment method.
  • The time it takes for the refund to process may vary depending on your payment method and financial institution.
  • We do not offer direct exchanges. If you need a different item, please return the original item and place a new order.

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